About Me


Hi, I’m Alexandra, 

Growing up I had the privilege to move to 4 countries and learn to assimilate to new cultures, one of them being the United States. My parents moved our family here on the promise of the American Dream: that their sacrifice of leaving behind the comfort of family and a culture they knew would open up opportunities to me that I wouldn’t otherwise have. 

As a first generation immigrant, I never felt like I belonged. Moving here gave me the opportunity to get a good education, and yet that education failed to teach me how to actually engage in the corporate world. While my peers had their parents’ network to fall back on to gain internships and opportunities, I had to roll my sleeves to do it myself. 

Throughout my college experience, I worked on my networking muscle (yes, it’s like working out) despite having MAJOR Social Anxiety and by graduation I had 6 internships under my belt. This allowed me to learn office politics, and the job searching process like the back of my hand. 

When I finished college, I got an entry level job making $45,000 and using my strategies that I worked hard to learn, I multiplied my income by 4x in 6 years. I have pivoted into Finance and Tech, even broke into my dream job at *cough* Meta, then back to Advertising which made me realize that I have learned the most coveted skill of them all: telling my story in a compelling way to get any job that I wanted. 

I started my Career Coaching Journey by helping 10 friends pivot or accelerate their careers from start to finish in the height of the pandemic! Three years later, I have distilled the very core set of skills that are needed to find a job in Corporate America

The United States is a very individualistic country and success is directly related to an individual’s ability to sell themselves

I have helped dozens of individuals of all walks of life — recent grads, senior executives, corporate hopefuls, and more — globally feel more confident in their careers.

My 8 week program distills the core set of skills that will double your lifetime earning potential.

Allow me to introduce: The ATLASZ Job Search Program

My 8 week program distills the core set of skills that will double your lifetime earning potential.
It includes 6 workshops + 2 additional weeks of access to me:

Week 1: Optimize your resume 

  • I review your resume and provide comments, then after you’ve had a chance to update we spend an hour workshopping to:

    • 1) make it clear

    • 2) showcase your impact with quantifiable data

    • 3) marry it up to the types of roles you are looking for 

    • 4) make it concise so that recruiters can skim and still gather your experiences

Week 2:  Make your LinkedIn Profile stand out

  • Using your optimized resume, we will update your experiences as well as optimize the other sections of your profile to ensure that you are searchable for recruiters

    • Your headline

    • Your profile picture

    • Your testimonials

    • Your About Me section

    • Your skills 

Week 3: Networking: how to get a shoe in, anywhere

  • I teach you how to find the right people and how to have the right conversations to get your foot in the door at companies you are interested in

  • This includes the right way to communicate with recruiters and peers (ie cold messages, informational interview questions etc)

    • Networking helps you:

      • Stand out from other candidates who are not proactive 

      • Build relationships and maybe even get a desired referral 

      • Gauge whether a company’s culture and the type of role you are interested in is even worth your time and if it’s still of interest to you before investing a ton of energy in it

Week 4: How to Interview and tell your personal story tying it together with a bow

  • Crafting your compelling personal story 

  • Learning the tools to answer interview questions effectively 

  • Showcasing your value and connecting it to the company and your own story at Every. Step. 

Week 5: Mindset and Communication

  • Learn how to break up your job search to keep motivated

  • Tactics to implement a positive mindset and why it matters

  • How to communicate with recruiters and stay positive throughout the job search

Week 6: How to negotiate a higher salary to get paid your worth

  • Learn how to find your market rate 

  • Learn how to negotiate and how to approach salary conversations at different points in time 

  • Understand your values and what matters in a negotiation

  • Scenarios and scripts for how to approach them

Plus an additional 2 weeks of full access to me to ask your personalized job search questions! 


  • Networking Tracker

  • Cover Letter template

  • Resume Template

  • A digital e-book to guide you on your journey that you receive at the end

These skills have helped my clients not only land their desired jobs, but also increase their salaries by 40-100%. That’s right, some of them were able to DOUBLE their salaries. 

My ability to navigate office politics and my career have made me recession proof. I constantly find opportunities I wasn’t even looking for

I have figured out the key to Corporate America - Despite being an immigrant and starting from scratch and I want to teach you how to do it too!

I want to help you transform so that you feel valued - monetarily and professionally in whatever role you choose!

Are you ready to start your career journey to elevate your life?

Schedule a non-committal free intro call with me: